Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Outdoor Writers of America Field Fest Slated for Johnson City, Tennessee

Registration for OWAA’s first ever ‘Field Fest’ event is now open! Johnson City, Tenn. is the host of this inaugural event.

But what is ‘Field Fest’? Basically it’s like a ‘mash-up’ of a mini-conference, marketplace, and various small group press trips. (It's also an opportunity for OWAA to work with smaller, more rural destinations.) There will be a marketplace to meet exhibitors and tourism boards, an editor’s panel, professional development sessions, networking and various tours around Johnson City!

Dates: July 7-11, 2024
Location: Carnegie Hotel, Johnson City, Tenn.
Special hotel rates: $139/night for Active OWAA members

Early Bird registration fees (which do not include hotel):

Active OWAA members $200.00
OWAA Supporting Groups $500.00
Spouses $400.00Meet the editors panel at our 2021 conference in Vermont.

Not-Yet-OWAA Members (Media) $300.00
Not-Yet-OWAA Members (Other) $600.00

Registration fee includes a $400 travel stipend (for the first 20 Active OWAA members who register), discounted room rate at host hotel, all meals, ground transportation, core meeting activities, and tours.

Registration fees will increase by $50 on April 8th.

Learn more and register here!