Wednesday, December 4, 2024

NOAA Webinar today on Recreational Fishing, Habitat

NOAA's Office of Habitat Conservation and Recreational Fisheries Initiative are pleased to announce an FY25 funding opportunity for Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (FHP) projects that support habitat conservation or restoration and engagement with the recreational fishing community. The total funding available is approximately $150,000. Proposals are due by April 18, 2025. to Alex McOwen ( and Tim Sartwell ( by FHP coordinators, FHP partners, or NOAA staff working closely with an FHP. Proposals should also be coordinated with the relevant FHP coordinator. A GoToWebinar is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4 from 12:00-1:00pm PT for interested parties to learn more. A summary of the FY24 FHP projects can be found here.