Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Gulf Council Seeks Consultant for Recreational Fishing Initiative

The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) seeks a highly qualified consultant to plan, conduct, and facilitate meetings with Recreational Working Group members in coordination with a Steering Committee to fulfill the Council’s Recreational Initiative. The Council anticipates the consultant would be hired by spring 2024 and complete work and final reports no later than spring 2025.

Over time, the recreational sector has grown in both participation and efficacy, but annual catch limits along with other factors including changes to the ecosystem and stock sizes of harvested fish have led to reduced opportunities and satisfaction for the recreational sector. Recognizing these challenges, the Council and NOAA Fisheries have embarked on this recreational initiative to improve future recreational management techniques and tools that the Council can consider in the regulatory process. Objectives of this initiative include goal revision, species status review, assessment of management measures, accountability measures' efficacy, harvest control rules, addressing variability, and exploring innovative management strategies. The initiative seeks to enhance current management approaches and guide future strategies for federally managed recreational fisheries.

The consultant's tasks include providing professional guidance to the Steering Committee on initiative objectives, collaborating on Working Group agendas, offering feedback on group composition, coordinating monthly updates with the Steering Committee, presenting meeting overviews and schedules to the Council, facilitating Working Group meetings, working closely with the Steering Committee to secure relevant experts for presentations, documenting key outcomes, refining outcomes based on feedback, and presenting the final results to the Council.

The complete recruitment announcement can be found at:

Application Deadline: 11:59 pm, EST, February 23, 2024 or until filled.

How to Apply: Your complete application package should include: 1) cover letter, 2) resume/ curriculum vitae, 3) anticipated rate/cost for services to complete planned tasks and travel, 4) demonstration of meeting facilitation experience, and 5) contact information for two references or previous clients. Send to:

By regular mail:

Dr. Carrie Simmons

Executive Director

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council

4107 West Spruce Street, Suite 200

Tampa, Florida 33607 USA

By email: