Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Missouri Pond Management Workshops Slated

St. JOSEPH, Mo.— If you’re a landowner in the Northwest region with questions about building a new pond, or enhancing an existing pond on your property, be sure to attend the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) free pond management workshops this March.

There are two upcoming workshops in the Northwest that are free to the public. Registration is required in advance. The dates, times, and locations of the workshops are as follows:

The workshops will cover a wide variety of topics including pond site selection, pond construction, pond stocking, fisheries management, aquatic vegetation management, pond watershed management and nuisance wildlife. Pond owners can ask questions and get specific information about dealing with problems at their pond. Participants are also asked to bring plant samples or photographs of any plants causing problems in their pond as MDC biologists can identify the plants and recommend options for control.

Questions about these events can be emailed to MDC Fisheries Biologist Kyle Winders at

Learn more about pond management on your property online at

Pond habitatLandowners interested in installing a new pond or learning more about pond maintenance are encouraged to attend one of two free workshops this March in Ray and Harrison counties.