Wednesday, July 3, 2024

NMMA Calls for Alternative to Slow Speed Whale Protection Rules

With boating season in full swing, NMMA President and CEO Frank Hugelmeyer recently wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post urging for the withdrawal of the economically destructive NOAA vessel speed rule. NMMA, along with the broader recreational and boating community, continue to press the White House and NOAA to use advanced marine technologies as an alternative conservation solution to protecting the North Atlantic right whale.

Hugelmeyer writes:
As boaters, protecting our marine wildlife is core to our experience on the water. Our ability to enjoy the wellness benefits, connection with our friends and family and the freedom of being on the water depends on the health of our oceans, lakes and rivers. However, protecting the North Atlantic right whale must not be done at the expense of human safety.

He adds:
Many recreational boats have technology on board specifically to detect fish, whales and wildlife. NOAA did not consult the recreational boating industry and the technologies available when writing their rule, which is why our industry strongly advocates for the White House to withdraw the rule and instead use the incredible technologies available to better protect our endangered whales.

The recreational boating community has always been a champion for conservation efforts, and we are proud to support efforts to protect endangered marine mammals. But what NOAA fails to acknowledge is that we can protect the North Atlantic right whale while not sacrificing the safety of Americans on the water.

The White House needs to withdraw this ill-conceived rule and instead use technology to protect the whales, without putting lives at risk.

Read the full op-ed here.

Learn more about the NOAA vessel speed rule, and how technology is a better alternative, here.