Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trade In Lead Jigs for Alternatives at Maine Sportsmen's Shows


Remember to bring your old lead tackle with you if you are going to Maine’s Sportsman Shows in March and April. You can exchange your lead-sinkers or lead-headed jigs at the Maine Audubon booth for lead-free alternatives.

Eastern Maine Sportsmen's Show
New Balance Field House, University of Maine, Orono
Friday, March 14 - Sunday, March 16

Aroostook Spring Sportsman's Show
The Forum, 24 Chapman Road, Presque Isle
Saturday, March 22 - Sunday, March 23

State of Maine Sportsman’s Show
Civic Center, Augusta
Friday, March 28 - Sunday, March 30

Learn More

Understanding the Law Regarding the Sale and Use of Lead Sinkers and Lead Jigs

The USE of lead sinkers and unpainted lead jigs measuring 2.5 inches or less in length or weighing 1 ounce or less is prohibited.

The SALE of lead sinkers and painted and unpainted lead jigs measuring 2.5 inches or less in length or weighing 1 ounce or less is prohibited. Note the NEW Addition: The sale of painted lead jigs within this small size range became prohibited to sell effective September 1, 2024.

Beginning September 1, 2026, the USE of painted lead jigs measuring 2.5 inches or less in length or weighing 1 ounce or less will be prohibited.

View all of Maine's fishing laws