Wednesday, December 18, 2024

N.J. Virtual Hearing on Cobia Today at 6 P.M. ET

The NJDEP Fish & Wildlife's Bureau of Marine Fisheries and the Marine Fisheries Council are seeking public comment on recreational fishing regulations to achieve a 15.9% harvest reduction for the 2025 fishing season for Atlantic Cobia, as required by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC).

A virtual public hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Addendum II to Amendment 1 of the ASMFC Atlantic Cobia Fishery Management Plan (FMP) implements a new regional allocation framework, with northern (RI - VA) and southern (NC - GA) regions. Recent (2021 - 2023) recreational harvest in the northern region has averaged 62,832 fish, which exceeds the northern region allocation of 52,825 fish.

ASMFC is therefore requiring the northern region to implement regulations that reduce harvest by 15.9% to achieve the harvest target. All states in the northern region must implement the same size and possession limits. VA and MD must also adjust their fishing season, while RI to DE may maintain their current seasons.

A variety of management options that achieve the required harvest reduction have been developed and are available HERE.

Members of the public are invited to the meeting on December 18 to provide their comments on which option should be implemented in NJ. The meeting will be held by webinar only.

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